Student Supports

As a member of the STU community, you will have access to a wide range of services to help you succeed. They’re here to make sure you can focus on learning and experiencing as much as you can.




STU Mental Health

Positive Mental Health doesn’t simply mean the absence of mental illness, just as there is more to health than the absence of physical illness. STU Mental Health provides supports, counselling, events, workshops, programs and resources that are designed to enhance your mental health and overall well-being. 

Indigenous Student Services

Indigenous Student Services offers Indigenous students culturally-rich events, activities, supports and services, including student exchanges, employment, counselling services, an Elder-in-Residence, traditional ceremonies, guest speakers and opportunities to participate in workshops, conferences, traditional gatherings, and more. 


2SLBGTQIA+ Wellness Coordinator

Nadine Violette is the interim 2SLGBTQIA+ Wellness Coordinator at STU, UNB, and NBCC. Book a meeting with Nadine to discuss personal wellbeing, self-advocacy, discrimination, academics, and more.

Contact Nadine:


Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry serves the spiritual needs of students. Centered on the Catholic faith, Campus Ministry welcomes and includes all students, regardless of background or beliefs. Programming includes Sunday Mass, monthly Adoration, drop-in lunches, faith study, retreats, conferences, and social gatherings.



Academic Advising

Academic Advising is here to support you through your academic career at 亚洲色情网 University. Whether you need help figuring out which courses you need to take to meet the requirements of your major or you鈥檙e looking for advice on post-degree programs that fit your academic interests, our Academic Advisors are here to help!


Accessibility Services

We are committed to creating an equitable environment by ensuring all members of our community have access to the full range of university life. This means supporting students with disabilities in their full participation in the educational, social and cultural life of our university. 

Our accessibility program is consistent with our academic standards as we strive to make reasonable and appropriate accommodations to allow students to enjoy the benefits of higher education.


The Writing Centre

As a STUdent, you have access to free consultations at the Writing Centre. Staff at the Writing Centre can assist you at all stages of the writing process including organizing your ideas, using different writing styles, citations and formatting. Their goal is to work with you to help you become a better writer.


Student Success Coach

Our Student Success Coach is available to STUdents who need help managing stress, increasing productivity, taking better notes, and improving studying and test taking skills.

Peer Tutoring

Peer tutors provide free, online peer-to-peer academic support to all STU students. It matches students who need some support in a course with an upper-level student who is trained for one-on-one tutoring in that subject area.